17 Aug 2019
Post by Diane Fuller
From Ethiopia’s capital Adis Ababa to Aden Bay and Djibouti, this railway is 752 kilometers long. Designed for passengers and freight and transport services.
- Most of the railways pass through the Ethiopian territory. 2,400 meters pass through the desert.
- The first electric train in Africa is fast and powerful from the fuel-efficient train, which is environment-friendly and fuel-efficient.
- At 120 km per hour. Speeds that are exciting in countries where high-speed rail is not available.
- Invested for four billion US dollars, making this railroad line a China Railway Group and a Chinese state-owned company. It is the first railroad built by foreign countries using its complete set of equipment, investment, and standards.
- During a visit to China’s Deputy Prime Minister Wang Yan Shig in May 2013, Ethiopia-Jiaibut said the railway would be “The New Age of the Tarara Railway”. The Tarara railroad is the first railroad built by Chinese companies in Africa.
The Tarara railway was built in the 1970s by the Government of the Republic of China and the Ethiopian-Jiaibut railway was constructed by the Chinese railway line.
- Previous Ethiopia and Djibouti have no modern railway. With this access to the railway, it has enabled the development of services and services in Ethiopia, as well as landlocked tourism.
- Since the issue of railroad construction, China has been building railway workers for about six years. China has created thousands of new jobs in Africa and has brought the railroad development to two countries in Africa.